Latest Transactions
280 Units | Ft. Myers, Florida
Greystone Managing Director Elie Gabay has learned lessons throughout his 15-year career on all sides of deals, and he says his experience on the client and investment side drives the way he engages with clients today. He has been an originator since 2016, and in the past three years, he has increased his loan origination volume by 500%. As part of Greystone's multifamily debt and equity group, Elie is responsible for placing customized lending solutions and providing strategic advisory services for acquisition, construction, rehabilitation, and refinance of multifamily and commercial properties nationwide. He endeavors to provide a high-touch experience, anticipate challenges, and think outside the box. In 2022, he was recognized as Greystone’s top alternative agency producer and contributed to expanding the firm’s alternate capital solutions. “As an originator, it is imperative that the financing a client is seeking to secure is based on risk mitigation, their needs and capturing the best possible deal terms,” he says.